Disclaimers and Privacy Policy


It is important for all those who are interested in a phone consultation with me to know that medico-legally I cannot diagnose or treat anyone unless we have a face-to-face, in person office visit which will include a complete history and physical examination. I cannot prescribe any medications or supplments unless you are an established patient. The phone consultations offered here are intended for educational and informational purposes only. Many of the illnesses and symptoms with which my patients struggle are highly controversial; information provided in these consultations represent only my most current clinical experience and knowledge.

What I can do is to review your current medical experiences, symptoms, laboratory results and treatments and suggest areas that may not have been adequately explored or investigated completely, but know that a specific diagnosis or treatment cannot be provided. Always seek the advice of your physician before making any treatment decisions.

This website is dedicated to individuals who connect with each other through www.neilnathanmd.com.

The views and opinions expressed by those individuals are entirely their own. Neil Nathan, M.D. assumes no responsibility whatsoever for the content of any such views or opinions or for any information provided by any such individual.

By accessing or utilizing www.neilnathanmd.com, in any way, any user thereof releases Neil Nathan, M.D. and his principals, agents and assigns from and against any and all liability of any kind whatsoever and indemnifies Neil Nathan, M.D. against any and all claims of any kind whatsoever.

Privacy Policy

Neil Nathan, M.D. and his associates value and protect all information you provide to us. We do not sell of voluntarily give any of your information to anyone. We use current encryption thecnologies and protocols to try to ensure your information is profected.